VII. Supernumerary Prakirnakas
Gacchācāra विवृतिसहित
with vivrti No. 383
1875-76. Size.- II in. by 5g in. Extent. — 197 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and white; Devanagari charac
ters; big, quite legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink ; numbers of foll. entered in both the margins ; foll. 1a and 1975 blank ; condition excellent; this Ms. contains the text as well as its commentary together with a big colophon; complete; extent 5850 Sokas; this Ms. seems to have been copied from one
dated Samvat 1763. Age.- Samvat 1932. Begins.--(text) fol. 2b नमिऊण महावीरं etc. ,, -(com.) fol. Ib भट्टारकप्रभुश्रीआनंदविमलसरिगुरुभ्यो नमः
उद्बोधो विदधे(s)जानामिव भव्यश(री)रिणां गवां विलासैनासौं जीयाद्वीररविश्चिरं ॥१॥ पदपद्मं स्वगुरूणां सदासदाचारचरणटुंटुं(चंचू)नां नत्वा विदधे विवृतिं गच्छाचाराख्यसूत्रस्य ॥२॥
इति तावच्छात्रस्यादौ मंगलसंबंधाभिधेयप्रयोजनान्यभिधातन्यानि etc. Ends.--(text) fol. 192 पढंतु साहुणो etc., up to हियमप्पणो ॥ १३७ ॥ . :
--(com.) fol. 193b यद्यथा तत्तथा etc., along with the 78 verses
of the colophon up to प्रकीर्णकवृत्तिः समाप्त as in No. 382
followed by लेखन सं० १७६३ नु(न)तन ले० १९३२ ग्रं० ५८५० ॥ N. B.- For other details see No. 382.
Gacchācāra विवृतिसहित
with vivrti No. 384
1140 (8).
1887-91. Size.- 94 in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 155+1-2=154 folios; 15 lines to a page ; - 48 letters to - aline.