V. 10 Prakirnakas : Ends.- fol. 13* एयं सगउसरीरं etc., up to सम्बदुकाला॥ Then we have the following line:--
यालियं नाम पइन्नगं सम्मतं ॥ छ.।। N. B.- For other particulars see No. 323.
Tandulavaicārika बालावबोधसहित
with balāvabodha No. 331
A. 1883-84. Size.- Iol in. by 4g in. Extent. — 25 folios; 17 to 19 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and whitish; Devanagari
characters with occasional पृछमात्राs; this is a पश्चपाटी Ms.; but there seems to be hardly any difference between the sizes of the hand-writings for the text and the commentary ; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; foll. numbered in the right hand margin only; both the text and the commentary complete ; condition very good except that an edge of the first fol. is slightly damaged; fol.
Ta blank; yellow pigment used. Age,- Samvat 1675. Author of bālāvabodha.- Upadhyaya Pasacanda ( Pārsvacandra ),
pupil of Sadhuratna. Subject.- One of the prakirņakas together with a Gujarati
explanation. Begins.- (text) fol. Ib ॐ नमः सिध(द)। श्रीवीतरागाय नमः ।
निजरिय etc. ,, -( com. ) fol. Ib ॐ नमः सिधं(ई)
श्रीसिधि(दि)(ब) प्रतिःसार्थवाह स केवली लोकदिनेस(श)तुल्यं.
श्रीवर्धमानं प्रयतः प्रणम्य ॥१॥ श्री तपागच्छसरोमाल
श्रीसाघुरत्नासिक धर्मसिम्पलेमाभिक्षियलेशः)