Jaina Literature and Philospohy
[ 283.
Extent.— ( text ) 9 folios; 4 lines to a page ; 30 letters to a line.
(tabba ),,
; 14
; 48 ” ” ”
Country paper thin and grey; Devanagari characters; bold, clear and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two to three lines in red ink; edges of foll. 4 to 7 somewhat damaged ; condition tolerably good ; this Ms. contains both the text and its tabba; both complete; fol. 9b blank.
22 -
Age.-- Sarvat 1759.
Subject. The text with its explanation in Gujarati. Begins.—(text) fol. 1 सावज्जजोग etc.,
- (com.),,,, महावीरं ज (जि) नं नत्वा शिवजाख्यं तु ( ग ? )च्छपं चतुःशरणशब्दार्थ संप (य) तः करोम्यहां ( हैं ) ॥ १ ॥
चतुःशरणनु पडिवजवुं etc.
Ends. -- (text) fol. 9 इअ जीवपमाय etc., up to निव्वुइसुहाणं ६३ as in No. 277 followed by इति चोसरण समाप्तं । संपूर्ण । संवत १७५९ वर्षे ॥ पं० । नर संघलिषतं श्री 'विकानेर' नगरे फागुण व. ११.
Reference. -- See No. 266.
" " "
— (com.) fol. 94 कारण छ प (?) अध्य फल छइ वले कहेवा छ यत इत्यर्थः ६३ इति श्रीचोसणसूत्रं समाप्तं वाचनाचार्य्यश्री जैरतन्नगणिजी शिष्यवाचना चाहेमप्रमोदगाणशिष्यवाचनाचार्यरंगविमलगणाशेष्य पांडेतनर संघलिषतं । भ्रातृपंडितलालजीसहितान् ११. संवत् १७५९ वर्षे मती फागुणसुदि १ दिने सस्वत्रवारे श्री 'विकानेर 'नग (र) मध्ये लिषतं ।
Catuḥ śaraṇāvacuri
261 (a). A. 1882-83.
No. 283
Size.- ro‡ in. by 4g in
Extent. 9 folios; 21 lines to a page; 72 to 74 letters to a line. Description. Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; bold, clear, small and very good.