VI. II Angas TEE atiet a t 'Ariogazott gyana nikapiga
ayla il etc. N. B.--For other details see No. 124..
192. No. 127
1871-72. Size.— 10 in. by 43 in. Extent.- 221-I+2+2-2=222 folios ; n lines to a page ; 34 letters
to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, rough and greyish; Deva
någarī characters with occasional HaraS; big, quite legible and elegant hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right hand margin only ; yellow and white pigments used ; red chalk too; marginal notes written at times, whereby some of the Prākrit phrases etc. are explained in Gujarāti;foll. 146 to 201 also numbered as 1, 2 etc. ; fol. 139th also numbered as 140th, the subsequent ones being hence numbered as 141, 142 etc. ; but no fol. is missing as could be verified even by referring to the printed edition of this work (edn. Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabhā p. 62a of pt. II); fol. 146th repeated twice and foll. 13th and 184th repeated only once ; corners of foll. 24 to 26 partly worn out; condition on the whole good; foll. I and 2 missing; otherewise complete ; a table pointing out the no. of the leaf where an adhyayana ends
is given on fol. 2210; extent 5627(?) ślokas. Age.- Old. Begins.-fol. 3* HET I OTTOT [POTT]FREETS I TEACH *a gullmet
HAUTOT etc. Ends.-- fol. 221 peserta Tuj etc., up to aTOTRETS as in No. 124
followed by FTS I J etc. stigar TT (GÅT FFT Z O Y&RU [L] (41?) etc. Then we have in a