V. II Angas
Ends.-- fol. 4' भगवइ etc., up to सरणत्थं as in No. 111 followed by १०६ ॥ इति श्री अभयदेवसरिकता पंच निर्ग्रथसंग्रहणी सम्मत्ता ॥ छ ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ छ ॥ etc.
N. B.-- For other details see No. III.
115. ]
पञ्चनिर्ग्रन्थसङ्ग्रहणी अवचूरिसहित
No. 115
Size.- 11 in. by 4g in.
Extent. - 2 folios ; 15 + 8 = 23 lines to a page; 60 to 64 letters to a line.
Pañçanirgranthasamgrahani with avacuri
Description.- Country paper very thin, rough and greyish; Devanāgari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; this is a पश्चपाटी Ms., containing the text and its commentary, both written in a small but legible, good and uniform hand-writing; borders ruled in 3 lines in red ink; red chalk used; edges of both the foll. slightly damaged; condition tolerably good ; complete, the text containing 106 verses.
Age.- Samvat 1495.
Subject. The text with a small commentary in Sanskrit. Begins.- ( text ) fol. It पन्नवण १ वेय २ रागे ३ etc.
(com.) स्वरूपसंख्यादे(?) प्ररूपणा प्रज्ञापना १ वेद प्रसिद्धः कल्पः स्थविरकल्पजिनकल्पादिः etc.
1202. 1884-87.
... रागः
Ends. -- ( text ) fol. 26 भगवइ etc., up to सरणत्थं ॥ १०६ ॥ as in No. 114 followed by इति श्री अभयदेवसूरिवेराचिता पंचनिग्गं (# ) थसंग्रहणी ॥ छ ॥ सं. १४९५ ष० चैत्र शु० ५ गुरौ लि० ॥ छ ॥