ror. ]
VII Angas
Ends.--(text) fol. 4• fac fritt och etc..
„ - (com.) „ „ souterra etc. N. B.- For other details see No. 97.
Paramāņukhaņdaşattrițsikā अर्थलवसहित
with Arthalava No. 100
.: 224 (a).
1871-72. Size.— 101 in. by 43 in. Extent.— 6 folios ; 24 lines to a page ; 82 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper, very thin, rough and white ; Deva
nāgari characters with Atas; very small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used; edges of almost every fol. slightly :worn out; condition on the whole good; both the text and the commentary complete; they begin on fol. I and end on fol I b; this Ms. contains in addition the following works :
(1) पुद्गलपट्त्रिंशिका with वृत्ति foll. 2.-30. (2) famigueiSTEET „ „ „ 4* — 66. (3)
T4T „ „ fol. 64 — 66. Age. — Samvat 1483. Begins.- (text) fol. I f orgotech etc. as in No. 97.
„ - (com.) „ „ Tauferagittale etc. Ends.- (text) fol. 10 forcareia asal etc., up to you for 2411 » -- (com.) „ „ TEATRUUTET etc. N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 97.
पुद्गलषदर्विशिका वृत्तिसहित
No. 101 Extent.— fol. 9b to fol. 14*.
with vrtti 2 283 ().
A. 1882-83.