96. 1
V. 11 Angas
represented in diagrams on foll. 275*, 275, 360 and 361*; etc., tabulated on fol. 358b; complete ; extent 18616 slokas; edges of the first fol. slightly gone; conditon very good.
Age.-Fairly old.
Begins. fol. 1 श्रीवीतरागाय नमः ॥
सर्वज्ञमीस्व (व) र etc.
Ends.fol. 399b अथवा साधर्म्य etc., up to श्लोकमानेन निश्चितः (तं) as in No. 92 followed by प्रथाग्र १८००० शत ६१६ ।। श्लोकमानस्य etc. N. B. For other details see No. 92.
भगवती सूत्रवृत्ति
No. 96
Size.-97 in. by 43 in. Extent.-480+3=483 folios; 15 lines to a page; 45 letters to
a line.
171. 1866-68.
Description. Country paper, thick, rough and white; Devanagari characters with as; sufficiently big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; numbers of foll. entered once; almost all the foll. worm-eaten; some very badly; condition fair; red chalk used; fol. 1a blank; foll. bound together as a volume; foll. 13th, 334th and 357th repeated; the 334th and 357th precede the first fol. instead of their being in their due place; complete; extent 19776 (?) slokas.
Age.-Samvat 1660.
Begins. fol. 1 I
सर्वज्ञमीश्वर etc.
Ends. fol. 479 अथवा साधर्म्य etc., up to श्लोकमानेन निश्चिता (तं) as in No. 92 followed by अंकतो ( s) पि श्लोकसंख्या ग्रंथाग्रं १९७७६ (?) यादृशं etc., संवत् १६६० वर्षे माघ शु. १३ शुक्रे लिषितं ॥ छः etc.
N. B. For further particulars see No. 92.