1 antra
References.-(1) Mss.-A-Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum :
i, 66°, ii, I3- and 190°; iii, IS.. B-Descriptive Catalogues :Mitra's Notices VII, 2343.
Uddhārakosa No.43
1891-95. Size.- 9 in. by 4, 6 in. Extent.- 42 leaves; 9 lines to a page ; 24 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper ; Devanāgari characters; hand-writing
legible; benedictory phrase, marks of punctuation, names of speakers and the colophons at the end of chapters tinged with red pigment.
Another copy. It is a misnomer to call it Mantroddharakoša, which is a different work.
Age.--Sam. 1874.
Author.-Daksinamurti. Begins.-- fol. 10
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॥
एकदा स्फाटिकोविभूत्सानौ वनसमाकले etc. as in No. 42. Ends.-- fol. 416
देव्युवाच ।
कृतास्मि भवतानेन ग्रंथेनाहं सुरेश्वरि etc. as in No. 48.
इति श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तिविरचिते उद्धा( tol. 42* )रकोशे सकलागमसारे षोडशदेवीसकुमारनवग्रहसप्तदेवीचतसृदविकोशोध्याननिर्णयो नाम सप्तमः कल्पः ७ समाप्तोयं उद्धारकोशः सं. १८७४ चैत्र शुदि ३ गुरौ