[ 31. आसुरीकल्प
Asurīkalpa No. 31
1880-81. Size.-8} in. by 5% in. Extent.--18 leaves; 9 lines to a page ; 22 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper ; Devanāgari characters; hand-writ
ing good ; paper very old, worn out and musty.
Another copy, but its text does not tally with others,
although the contents are the same. It is incomplete. Age.- Appears to be fairly old. Author:- Anonymous. Begins.- fol. 1b
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ अथ आसुरीकल्पलिखिते ॥ आसुरिपुरुश्चरणविधिः ॥ प्रेतवाहिनीचंडिकारक्तध्यानं ॥ मूलमंत्रण जपित्वा । अत्रादिपूजनं कार्य ॥ पुरुषहस्तप्रमाणं त्रिकोणकुंडिवेदीयोनिसहितं सत्वा दक्षिणकर्णिके
देवि पूजयेत् ॥ etc. Ends,- fol, 186
मंत्रैव मंत्रमालीख्य भुजगारसोभितं एवंविधि लीखेद्यत्रं तन्मध्ये मुत्रमुद्धरेत् ८ आदी प्रणवमुघृत्य मायाकामं च वासवं
References.-See No. 27.
Asurīmantravidhāna No. 32
1880-81, Size.-7 in, by 4 in. Extent.--5 leaves ; 8 lines to a page ; 20 letters to a line: