631. No. 485
1899-1915. Size. - 104 in, by 13 in. Extent.- 38 leaves; 7 lines to a page ; 59 letters to a line.. Description.- Palm-leaf; Telugu characters ; hand-writing good;
two holes at a distance of 4 inches for tying down the
Ms.; some leaves are decaying. It is a fragment. It is worm-eaten.
Another copy. Only 32 foll. contain a continuity of the text, beginning from the latter part of the 8th chapter and ending with the 36th chapter. There are 6 extra leaves, which it is difficult to identify. The leaves have no
regular pagination. Age.- Appears to be very old. Author.- Anonymous. Begins.-- fol. 13 (?)
... परे। वह्निबीजेन संवेष्टय वेष्टयेज्जीवनी मनुम् ॥ तदबंगुलिकी कृत्य ... प्रेतरज्जुना।
स्थापयेच्च कपालेषु निशि भौमेन चाचिते ॥ etc. Ends.-- fol. sob (?)
विकृदा संप्रदायेन मंत्रिणा सिद्धिदायिनः ।
मासयोगात्तेषु च संस्कारदृशमानां सर्वेषां कर्तव्याः ॥ इति षद्धिविद्यागमे सांख्यायनतंत्रे पत्रिंशत् पटलः । श्रीमद्गुरुचरणार.
विन्दार्पणमस्तु । रामानले कलौ श्रीनृसिंहार्पणमस्तु । युञ्जयुः (?) References.- See No. 484..
985. No.486
1884-87. Size.- 9} in. by 3 jo in. Extent.- 16 leaves; 6 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper; Devanagari characters; hand-writ___ing good; two lines in black ink on each border. Paper
old and musty.