347.] Tantra
371 यक्षिणीसाधन
503. No. 347
1895-98. Size.- 8 in. by 4g in. . Extent.- 8 leaves ; 14 lines to a page ; 25 letters to. a linc. Description.--Country paper; Devanāgari Characters; handwriting
legible ; benedictory phrase, Mantras and the colophon at the end are tinged with red pigment. Paper is very old, worn out and musty.
The present work deals with propitiating 36 kinds of Yaksinis (demigoddesses) which bring about super
natural powers. Age.- Appears to be fairly old. Author.-- Anonymous. Begins.-- fol. !'
श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥
अथ यक्षिणीसाधनलिख्यते सास्वा जितेंद्रियः हविष्यानं भोज्यं वटवृक्षाधः स्थित्वा जपसहस्त्र २५००० क्रियते ततः पंचामृतेन दशांशहोमः ततो
यक्षिणी प्रसन्ना भवति यदपेक्षे तहियते । etc. Ends.- fol.8.
६ नमो पूर्णभद्राय महायक्षसराय नमः मधुकुइल्लिं स्वाहा अपं मंत्रदर्भ मालया १२००० जपः तदशांश मध्वाज्य होमेन देवी समक्षा भवति वरं ददाति रत्नवस्त्राणि ददाति इति मणिभद्रा यक्षिणी इति श्रीपहशित यक्षि
साधनं समाप्तं ॥ शुभमस्तु । श्री ॥ छ । श्री।। छ ॥ श्री॥ References.-( 1 ) Mss.-A-Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum :
i, 469'; iii; I03* (our Ms.)
1016. No. 348
1891-95. Size.- 8 in. by ifo in. Extent. — 4 leares ; 7 lines to a page ; 27 letters toʻa line. Description.-- Country paper; Devanāgari Characters ; hand
writing good; paper old and musty...