352 Tantra
[329. महागणपतिपञ्चाङ्ग
Mahāgaņapatipancānga No. 329
1892-95. Size.- 10} in. by4g in. Extent.-- 16 leaves ; 9 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper; Devanāgari Characters ; hand
writing legible ; fol. 36 has only 7. lines and then follows a big lacuna running up to the 6th line of fol. 4°; the space in between these leaves is blank. foll. 14-20 are missing.
The present codex forms the chapters 26-30 of the Uttarardha of the Devirahasya of Paradevīrahasya, a treatise on tāntric rites. (Kuladharma), purporting to form part of the Rudrayamalatantra. These chapters contain (1) Mantroddhara, (2) Paddhari, (3) Kavaca, (4) Sahasranama and (5) Stotra, the five constituent parts of worship of a deity ( here Ganesa). For a detailed
description of Devīrahasya, see I. O. Catalogue, Nos. 25-46. Age.-- Appears to be old. Author.-- Anonymous. Begins.- fol. b
श्रीभैरव उवाच । भगवन् भवभूतीश कुलधर्मप्रकाशय। ....
कुलेश श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्रस्यास्योत्तरार्द्धकं ॥ १ ॥etc. Ends.-- fol. 23
परत्वं पद्धति वर्म मंत्र नामसहस्रकम् । स्तोत्रं पंचांगमनिशं गोपनियं स्वयोनिवत् ॥२१॥
इति श्रीमहादेवीरहस्ये तंत्रे महागणपतिस्तोत्राख्यानं नाम त्रिंशः पटलः ३० इति श्रीदेवीरहस्ये तंत्रे सर्वतत्वनिरूपणे परायरहस्ये महागणपतिवरद
गणेशपंचांगं संपूर्णम् ... References.--(1) Mss.-- A-Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum :
i, 262*. ( under Devirahasya ) i, 141; ii, 28° ; iii, 30° (under Ganapatipancanga).,
___B-Descriptive Catalogues :-- I. O. Catalogue 2546-7 and 6177. Mitra’s Notices X, 4160 ( a part only). H. P. Sastri's Notices II, 18.