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The work is an extra from Restaurant walls, and other Tore our focus only the first data alla Dezea his a collection of treat Mantra. The madhor Triedberamajwad r ate was a popel of Sri Balans
Ape Appens to be fairty old. Amthor.— Trivikramajwablearinka Begins — folr
असमदरियाना। मेला क्षेत्र विचित्र जयीको चारादि स्तर fol in
रियालिबसानिमारविड ने
ही बदाममाणात वापमा संसाराव भोगत
निकिकाद्वारकस्य को मंचरत्वांनुर्व सापटक मल
References.-(1) Mss. - A-Aafroche's Catalogus Catalogorum :
10311 Size.- to in. by 31. in. Extent. 39 leaves; , lines to
page : 45 letters to a line.