dictory phrase are tinged with red pigment; the numbering of leaves starts with 1 to sr then 1-20 from the 19th again, the number is picked up as 71.
This Ms, is described by Bühler in his Kashmir
Report, pp. CLX-CLXI. Age. — Appears to be old. Author.- Abhinavagupta. Begins.- fol. 1b
ॐ स्वति डों नमः शिवाय डोम् ।। निराशंसात्पूर्णादहमिति पुरा भासयति य. PETITTATTI AU
II etc.,
same as in No. 266. Ends. fol. 996
apararaqui ? It Alquiufta qui RII STATUETT: 311 आह्निकम् तत्वासहाधिकारः ४ ॥ एवं अह्निकानि १४ ॥ अधिकाराः ४॥
शुभमस्तु सर्वेषाम् ॥ References. See No. 266.
Photkārītantra No. 269
1887-91. Size.—1070 in. by 44 in. Extent.– 3 leaves ; 16 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper ; Devanagari characters, hand-writ
ing legible; two lines in black ink on each border; paper is very old, worn out and musty. It is repaired with patches on right and left borders ; the numbering of leaves is lost and has been restored by me,
The work is a dialogue betweon Siva and Parvati, wherein the former Instructs the latter in the mahavidya, by possessing which one gets the power of composing
poetry, etc. Age. — Appears to be very old. Author. - Anonymous. ; .