205 ] Tantra
225 Ends.-- fol. 64
मनोन्मनी च नवमी दशमी सर्वतोमुखी ॥ ग्रंथि... ... ... ... ... ...येत् ॥१६॥ मूलमंत्रेण चाप्यत्र पवित्रेषु कला यजेत् ।।
नित्याः षोडश देवेशि श्रीविद्यां च स्मरी-- References.- (.) Mss.-A-Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum :
i, 242b ; ii, 52* and 205°; iii, 520.
B-Descriptive Catalogues : I0. Cat. ms. no. 2583. Peterson's Ulwar Cat. no. 2164; Extr. 629. . B. B. R. A. S. Cat. no. 842.
Winternitz's Catalogue of South Indian Mss. in R. A. S. ( London )-p. 132. no. 98.
Dakşiņā mūrtiसंहिता
389 No. 205
1882-83 Size.- 99 in. by 3 in. Extent.- 38 leaves; 9 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; Devanagari characters; hand
writing legible ; two lines in black ink on each border. Paper old, worn out and musty. It is a fragment ; foll.
22, 28-39 (= 13 foll.) are missing; actual number of - leaves is SI-13 = 38.
Another copy which stops with the Vicitranitya
pujanavidhi. Age.- Appears to be fairly old. Author.- Anonymous. Beigns.-- tol. 1b
• श्री गुरुचरणकमलेभ्यो नमः ॥ श्रीमहात्रिपुर संवर्यै नमः ॥ श्रीमत् श्रीकोशहृदयं पंच सिंहासनात्मकं । etc.
Same as in No. 204. 29 [ Tantral