Tantra Age.- Appears to be very old. Author.– Anonymous. Begins.- fol. 20
तत्कपालं समादाय लिषे तत्र सरोरुहं ।।९॥ द्वादशारं महाचक्रं मुगंधैः पंचभिर्लिखेत् ॥ मयूर(पि)च्छलेखिण्या साध्यनामबिदर्भितं ॥ १० ॥ वर्णान् द्वादश तत्पत्रे तु मध्यग्रेषु च मातृकां ॥ अष्टोत्तरसहस्त्रमुजपेत्संपूज्यभैरवीं ॥ १९ ॥ मायाबीजेन तयंत्रं तापयेञ्चितिबह्निना।
कामज्वरसमाक्रॉतामानयेत्साधकामिनीं ॥ १२॥ etc. Ends.- fol. 12.
गंधमार्जारशल्यं तु महयेत्रिफलांबुना ।। लेपयेषिकादष्टस्थाने तद्विषनाशनं ॥१॥ तत्सर्बबिषं हंति घोणानस्य विशेषतः ।।
पद्विंदोश्च सहनं तु वृश्चिकस्य बिषं हरेत् ॥२॥ References.-- (1) Mss.- A - Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum :
iii, 48.
Tantrasăra No. 170
1886-92. Size.- 123 in. by 6g in. Extent.- 27 leaves ; I4 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper ; Devanāgari characters ; hand-writing
bold and legible; two lines in red iuk on each border ; names of speakers, topic headings, topic endings and marks of punctuation are in red ink. Paper very old, worn out and musty. The Ms. is incomplete.
The work is a summary of the Tantric cult, comprising mantras, rituals, etc. for the worship of different divinities, both Sakta and Vaisnava. The present Ms. contains
only the first परिच्छेद which is incomplete. Age.- Appears to be very old. Author.- Krsnananda Bhattacarya.