Krsħabbakticandika No. 63
1887-91. Size.— 61 in. by 44 in. Extenta— 28 leaves ; 13-14 lines to a page ; 20 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; Devanāgari characters; old in appear
ance; hand-writing, legible but not quite clear and uniform; white chalk and yellow pigment used for correc
tions; ink on some folios diffused. Age.- Appears to be old. Author.- Anantdeva. Begins. fol. 1b
li sattestore #H:11
fa 1195hr: etc. as in No. 59. Ends.--fol. 286
Il sufles Tarif: 11 gå derfotos stogra: etc. up to EU ETA: 11 ? 11 as in No. 59. followed by çfar aftwardawasatargata gi site surf
द्रिकाभिधानं नाम नाटकं समाप्तं ॥ References. See No. 59.
Krsnabhakticandrika No. 64
1902-07. Size.— 10 in. by 44 in. Extent. — 22 leaves ; 10 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper; Devanāgari characters; old in
a ppearance ; hand-writing, clear, legible and uniform ; borders ruled in double black lines ; red pigment frequently used; yellow pigment used for corrections.