प्रवर्ततां प्रकृतिहिताय पार्थिवः सरस्वतीश्रुतिमहतां सदीया ।। ममापि च क्षपयतु नीललोहितः पुनर्भवं परिगतशक्तिरात्मभूः ॥ इति निष्क्रांताः सर्वे ॥ ॥ सप्तमोऽकः ॥ ॥ समाप्तमिदं अभिज्ञानशकुंतलं नाम नाटकं ॥ ॥ शुभं अमात् ॥ रामाष्ठसप्तेंदुमिते शाके मुंबाख्यपत्तने ॥
इंदुप्रकाशसदने मुद्रितोयमयोक्षरैः ॥ References.—( 1 ) Mss. — A - Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum:
i, 23°; ii s", I87; iii, 6. B-Descriptive Catalogues : I. Q. Cat. Pt. VII, Nos. 411013; A. B. Keith (I. O..Cat.) Nos. 7338-41; Mad. Des. Cat. Vol. XXI Nos. 12465-81 etc. A. B. Keith-Sanskrit Drama, pp. 152-3. (2) Printed Editions :- Ed. by M. R. Kale; French trans. by Deveza G.; Ed. by Haridas Siddhantavagisa ; Ed..with a Sanskrit comm. by S. D. Gajendragadkar and notes etc. by Prof. A. B. Gajendragadkar; by Cappeller ; The Bengali recension, critically ed. by Pischel; Eng. trans. by S. Ray; Essay on the application of a few cannons of textual and higher criticism to Kalidasa's Sakuntala etc.
Abhijñānasākuntala No. 20
1891-95. Size.- 81 in. by 4g in. Extent.- 55 leaves ; 14 lines to a page ; 25. letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; Devanagari characters; old in app
earance ; hand-writing clear and legible but not quite uniform ; portion marked with red pigment; borders
ruled in black lines; complete. Age.— Samvat 1806 (?). Author.-Kalidasa.