240. Visrāma (i)
Size.- II in. by 5 in. Extent.— 78 leaves; 10 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; Devanagari characters; old in app
earance; hand-writing not quite legible and also not quite uniform ; red pigment used for marking some portion and yellow pigment for corrections; borders carelessly ruled in double black lines; many folios contain marginal notes ; on the fly leaves is written 'मुरारीनाटकप्रारंभः “and " मुरारीनाटकं समाप्त"; fol. 78 appears to be a later addition i edges
slightly injured ; complete. Age.— The Ms is fairly old. Author.- Murari. Begins-fol. I. .
॥श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥
facgzaag te etc. as in No. 6 _fol. ro' इति अनर्धराघवे विश्वामित्रागमनं नाम प्रथमोंकः ॥
_fol. 21° कुमारविक्रमो नाम द्वितीयोंका समाप्तः ॥ Edds--fol. 78a
वसिष्ठः सहर्षे । रामभद्र किं ते भूयः प्रियमुपकरोमि etc. up to गुणदोषौ रचयतु ॥ ४० ॥ as in No. 6
followed by इति निष्क्रांताः सर्वे ॥ सप्तमोंकः References.- See No. 6.