Mahānātaka with टीका
with commentary भावार्थदीपिका
Bhavārthadipika No. 146
. 1875-76. Size.— 10 in. by 4 in. Extent.- 92 leaves ; 4-6 lines to a page; 35-36 letters to a line (text)
. 8-10 , ,, ,, 40 , ..(com.). Description.- Country paper ; Devanagari characters; old in ap
pearance; hand-writing, small but clear and legible; borders and edges ruled in red lines; text in the middle
and the comm. above and below it; hand-writing of the ... text is bold; red and yellow pigment used; complete... Age. - Appears to be pretty old. Author (of the text).- Hanumat-Damodara Misra.
,, ,, ,, comm.).- Mohonadasa. Begins. - (text) fol. 1
॥६॥श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।। .......... कल्याणानां निधानं etc. as in No. 134. . . . . ..,, - (com. ) fol. "
॥ ६ ॥ हृदये यत् प्रेरणया etc. as in No. 143. fol. II' इति श्रीमिश्रमोहनदासविरचितायां हनुमन्नाटकदीपिकायां जानकीस्वयंवरो नाम प्रथमोध्यायः॥
fol. 18' इति... ... ...जानकीविलासो नाम द्वितीयोंकः २ Ends.- (text) fol. 910 यद्भग्नं धनुरीश्वरस्य etc. up to मिश्रदामोदरेण ९० . .
as in No. 134. tollowed by माशूरकुलसंभूतः etc. . .. Ends.- (com. )fol. 921 ननु हनुमत etc. up to ज्ञानरूद्धमिति ९... ...
... . . . as in No. 143. 2 Napake