Ends.- (com.) fol. 69 श्रीकृष्णमिश्रा ग्रंथांत etc. up to सर्व प्राप्यत इति भावः ३३
as in No. 117. followed by अंकसमाप्तिं योतयति ॥ इति निक्रांताः सर्वे इति अंकसमाप्तो
सर्वेषां निष्क्रामणमित्यर्थः छ इति श्रीमद्भट्टविनायकात्मजदीक्षितरामदासविरचिते प्रकाशाख्ये प्रबोधचन्द्रो
दयनाटकव्याख्याने जीवन्मुक्तिनिरूपणं नाम षष्ठोंक ६
सप्राकृतं etc....up to विबुधैर्न मूर्ख १ as in No. 120 below followed by संवत् १७५३ ॥ References.-- Same as in No. 117.
Prabodhacandroda ya with
with प्रकाश
Prakāśa No. 119
1883-84. Size.- 13 in. by 6] in. Extent.- 70 leaves ; 5-7 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line (text).
6-9 , ,, , 45 , ,, ,, (com.). Description.- Smooth country paper; Devanāgari characters;
hand-writing clear, legible and uniform ; red pigment used for certain words and colophons; text in the middle with the commentary above and below it.; yellow pigment used for corrections%3; folios numbered in both margins%3
complete. Age. – Not very old. Author (of the text).- Krsnamisra.
, (,, ,, com.).- Ramadasa. 19 [ Napakal