Country paper; Devanāgarl characters with पृष्ठमात्रा's t old in appearance; handwriting clear, legible and uniform ! borders ruled in double black lines; red pigment used for verse-numbers, topical headings and colophons; edges worn out and moth-eaten ; white chalk used for corrections; fol. 1 missing; incomplete.
Appears to be old.
Begins abruptly
Size -
Ends - fol. 226
No. 747
fol. 29 इति श्रीब्रह्मदास पुत्र श्रीनारायणदास सिद्ध विरचिते वैष्णवशात्रे शुभाशुभकार्यसिद्धिनामा प्रथमोध्यायः ॥
fol. 36 इति
द्वितीयोध्यायः ॥
- fol. 2a
मविप्र ॥
लग्ने स्वरोः लग्नगतः शुभग्रहैदृष्टो युतः स्यादुदितोधिकारवान । प्रष्टुर्निहन्यादखिलानुपद्रवीन् । शरीर दोषांशु सुखार्थ वित्तदः ॥ ३५
जयति जगति etc. up to हरिर्जगाद ॥ ६३ as in No. 442 / A1881 -82 followed by हरिजीवदत्तमाशीवादमिदं सिद्धयेस्तुः । प्र० ७३८ । समातोयं ग्रंथः । श्रीरस्तु ॥
See No. 442 / A1881-82.
84 in. by 41 in.
402 1884-86
Extent — 25 leaves ; 17 lines to a page ; 40- letters to a line. Description - Country paper; Devanāgari characters; old in appearance; handwriting small but clear and legible except on some folios; borders ruled in double red lines and edges in single; edges of some folios worn out and slightly moth-eaten; fol 1 missing; incomplete,