इति संपूर्ण ॥१॥ संवत् १८०६ श्रावणकृष्णः १२ भृगौ दिने लिखित.
मिदं नानीगराममिश्रेण शुभमस्तु ॥१॥ References - Mss.-A-Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum:-1,3580
(only Text); ii,800 (the present Ms.).
प्रश्नरत्न with टीका Praśnaratna with Commentary
940 No.743
1886-92 Size -98 In. by4g in. Extent - 51 leaves ; 10-11 lines to a page; 28-30 letters to a line. Description - Country paper; Devanagarl characters%3; not very old
in appearance%3; handwriting clear, legible and uniform%3B borders ruled in double red lines and edges in single ; yellow pigment used for corrections; Text in the middle with the Commentary above and below it ; edges slightly moth-eaten; both the Text and the Commentary complete.
The Text was composed in Samvat 1824 and the Comme
entary was written in Samvat 1827. Age-Samvat 1847. Author of the Text-Misra Nandarama.
„ of the Comm. - Subject -Jyotisa.
Begins (Text)-fol. 10
यमक्षरं ब्रह्म वदंति etc. as In No. 939/1886-92. Begins ( Comm.) - fol. 10
॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॥ सिद्धिः॥ तं नत्वा श्रीहरि योदादानमादौ स्वयंभवे ॥ स्वकृतप्रश्नरत्नस्य टिप्पिणी क्रियते मया ॥१॥
निर्विघ्नपरिसमाप्तिकामो ग्रंथकृत्परदेवतास्मरणपूर्वकं मंगलमाचरति । पमिति । etc. fol. 11 इति प्रश्नरत्ने टिप्पिण्या संज्ञाप्रकरणं प्रथमं ॥१॥ fol. 194 इति प्रश्नरस्नटिप्पिण्या संयुक्तादिप्रकरणं द्वितीयम् ॥