The Svetambaru Narratives
इति श्रीआनंदश्रावकनो चरीत्र श्रीपमूगप्रधानजीऋषिश्राद्ध'केशवजीकृतं संवत् १७११ वर्षे आस बदि २ सोमे "दीवबंद्रात लक्षतं ऋषि गोवाल लीबजी रचइं पठनार्थ सभं भवतु कल्याणमस्तु ॥ इत्याचार्य श्रीशिवजीकत आणंदश्रावकवीरप्रतिबंदनगमनद्वादशव(त)संग्रहणादिवगणनरास संपूर्णः॥
624. No. 43
1892-95. Size.- 10 in. by 4, in. Extent.- 8 folios ; 16 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva..
nägari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in black ink; red chalk used; foll. 15 numbered in the right-hand margin ; edges of some of the foll. gone ; a portion of the 8th fol. torn; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete ; composed in Sarivat
1684 in Puhakariņi ( Puşkariņi ). Age.- Old. Author.- Śrisära, pupil of Ratnaharşa and co-pupil of Sahajakirti
and Hemakiti of the 'Kharatara 'gaccha. His additional works are as under :--
(1) आदिनाथ-स्तवन. (2) उपदेशसत्तरी. (3) गौतमपृच्छा-स्तवन. (4) जिनप्रतिमास्थापन-स्तवन. (5) जिनराजसूरिरास .
V.S. 1681. (6) दशश्रावकगीत. (7) 'फलवधि'पारसनाथ-छंद (8) 'फलोघि पार्श्वनाथ-स्तवन.
lbid., p. 2210.