Jaina Literature and Philosophy
Caņdapingalakathā टब्वा सहित
with tabbā
1321 (d). No. 316
1886-92. Extent.- fol. 13 to fol. 17'. Description. — Both the text and its explanation complete. For
1321(a). other details see श्रीमतीकथा No..
• 1886-92.. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- A story of Candapingala, a thief and its explanation in
Gujarati. The prowess of 'Navakāra' mantra is pointed out in this work so much so that this thief became a
king in the next birth. Begins.— (text ) fol. 136
परत्रे(s)पि हि लभ्यते राजलीलोचितान सुक्खान् नवकारात् यथा प्राप्तं चौरेण चंडपिंगलवत् १ etc. "- (tabba) fol. 13 नवकारनइ प्रभावइ परने कहता आगलइ भवड etc. Ends.—( text ) fol.176
पापकर्मावधिश्चौरो चंडागलनामकः । मृत्वा पुरंदरो राजा संजातो जैनमंत्रतः ४५
इति श्रीनवकारविषये चंडपिंगलचीरकथा ॥ ४६ "- ( rabba ) fol. 17' इति चंडपिंगचोरकथासंबंधः टबार्थइ चतुर्थः ४ ॥
No. 317
1872-73. Size.- 101 in. by 4t in. Extent.- 17 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 33 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and white; Devanagari chara.
cters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; foll, numbered