The Svetämbara Narratives
398 तेरहसत्तासीए (१३८७) विक्कम(व)रिसंमि भहबयबहुले । पोसिक्कवारसीए समथिओ एस सस्थिकरो२॥
समाप्ता अयं श्रीअपापाबृहत्कल्पो दीपोत्सवकल्पो वा। संवत १८७६(१५) मिति पोसवदि २ शुक्रवासरे श्रीविलाम्याहजिहानाबादमध्ये
लिपिकृतं मुनी रामविजयधनविजय आत्मार्थ इयं पुस्तका लिपताः । Reference. -- This forms a part of Vividhatirthakalpa published in
“Singhi Jaina Series" in A. D. 1934. See its pp. 34-44.
___See Peterson, Reports (IV, p. 95). For additional Mss. see B. B. R. A. S. ( Vols. III-IV, p. 438 ) and Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 175).
Durghațakāvya [क्रियादिगुप्तकाव्य ]
[ Kriyādiguptakávya ] No. 285
1884-86. Sizé.- 104 in. by 4; in. Extent.-7 folios; II lines to a page; 34 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina Deva
nāgari characters with occasional (TANTS : big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing: borders and edges as well ruled in two lines in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; in the left-hand margin the title is written as guar; practically complete so far as it goes ; in all there are 102 complete verses; yellow pigment used while making corrections ;
explanation is at times recorded in the Ms. Age.- Pretty old. Author.-- Not known. Subject.- This Ms. starts with क्रियागुप्तामि काव्यानि. Then we have
कर्तृकर्मादिगुप्तानि. Thus this work is a kind of "citrakavya". Begins.- fol. .
जिन ! त्रिजगतः पूज्य ! सुदा त्वां सक्रियावली
अत्र क्रियापदं गुप्तं परिज्ञाने भवोऽवधिः १ . . ...... 50 1J.L.P.