The Svetämbara Narratives Age.- Samvat 1745. Begins.-fol. 'श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः॥
__ श्रीवर्द्धमानमानम्य etc. as in No. 281. Ends. - fol. 5 'श्रुन्वेति संप्रतिनृप etc. up to दीपालिकाकल्प as No. 281.
This is followed by the lines as under :
इति श्रीदीपोत्सवकल्पे संपूर्णानि लिखितं पासोमगणिना संवत १७४५ वर्षेषु ज्येष्ठमासे शुक्लपक्षे पंचम्यां तिथौ बृहस्पतिवासरे लखितं
'राजनगर'मध्ये गणिश्रीकुशलविमलजीवाचनार्थम् । N. B.- For.additional information see No. 281.
Dipālikākalpa (दीवालियकप्प)
( Divaliyakappa)
720. No. 283
1892-95. Size.- 10g in. by 4 in. Extent. — 4 folios; 11 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari
characters with पृष्टमात्राs, small, clear and good handwriting ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; foll. numbered as usual: complete%3; condition very good.
- Age.- Not modern. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- Origin of the Dipālika kalpa is depicted in verse in
Prakrit. Begins. - fol. !" ॥ ६॥ श्रीसर्वज्ञाय नमः ।
'पाणायकापाउ चुउ(ओ) भगवं । आसाढसकछट्टिविणे । 'खत्तियकुंड'ग्गामे हत्थोत्तरारिखुजोएल । १॥ etc. संवच्छरियं दाणं दाउ 'चंदप्पहाए सीयाए ।
पन्नइउ सिरिवीरो मेग्गसिरे मिन्हदसिमर्दिणे ॥८॥ etc. . 1 The number of this verse is here mentioned an 82, ,