Jaina Literature and Philosophy
.. - fol. 28 . ___ मूरिः श्रीजयशेखरः कविघटाकोटीरहीरच्छवि
ईम्मिल्लादिमहाकवित्वकलनाकल्लोलिनीनीरधिः। वाणीदत्तवरश्चिरं विजयते तेन स्वयं निम्मिते
मर्गा जैनकुमार(स)भवमहाकाव्ये (७) यमेकादश(क) ॥१॥ इति श्रीश्रीजयशेखरसूरिविरचिते जैनश्रीकुमारसंभवमहाकाव्ये सूर्योदयशकसमागमवर्णनो नाम एकादशः मर्गः ।। छः ॥ ग्रंथायं ११२॥ समस्त ग्रंथाग्रं १२२५ ॥ छ ॥ ॥ ॥छ॥ ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ कल्याणं भूयात् ।। छः॥ ॥श्रीः॥ ॥छः ॥ संवत् १५४८वर्षे पोषमासे क्रि(१) कृष्णपक्षे अमावास्यायां तिथौ शुक्रवार ग्रंथ लक्षतं ॥ छ । उदयबंतु हज्यो 'अंचल गच्छनायकः ॥ लेखकना आश्रीवाद थिकः ॥ ७॥ धिन
जतूंनी उदरि उत्यं नुः(?, ॥ छः ॥ Reference.-- Published by Bhimsi Manek in A. D. 1900 along
with its Gujarāti translation by Hiralal V. Hamsaraj. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakośa ( Vol. I, p. 94 ) :
जैनकुमारसम्भव No. 242
152. 1872-73.
Size.- 114 in. by 4 in. Extent.— 20 folios ; 19 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Devanagari
characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, clear, slant and elegant handwriting ; some of the foll. darkish ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; marginal notes addedi here and there ; foll. numbered as usual ; edges of the first fol. badly worn out; those of foll. 2 and 20 slightly dama. ged ; foll. 1-20 worm-eaten to a smaller or greater degree3 condition fair i. complete ; the ulth canto is lacking in the