Jaina Literature and Philosophy
५॥ जयंतकाव्यं परिपूर्णमिति भद्रम् ॥ ७ ॥ ___संवत् १४८८ वर्षे अश्विनि शुदि ५ पंचम्या बुधवासरेऽयेह श्री पत्तन'धास्तव्यलेखक पृथ्वीधरेण जयंतकाव्यं लिखितमिति भद्रम् ॥ ॥ श्री ॥ शुभम् ॥ लीपीछत्त लईय प्रीरोयत पुनमचंद रामकीसनजी भा(घा)सी
'नागोरना 'अमदाबाद' मधा समत्त १९४९ रा ॥ N. B.- For other details see
1249. No. 234
1886-92. Size.- 101 in by 4g in. Extent. — 17 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina Deva
nāgari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one in red ink; numbers for verses and dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%3
lank: edges of the first fol. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good; yellow pigment used for
making corrections ; white pigment, too; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Not known. Subject.- A story of Jaya and Vijaya. It points out the prowess
of the right faith. Begins.- fol. ..
अत्राभूत् 'भरते भूरिसूतिभिर्भारिते भितः॥ स्वस्पर्द्धिकदिभिर्विश्वानंदि नदिपुर' पुरं ॥१॥ दौस्थ्ये दौर्भाग्यदुर्भिक्षदुक्खक्खयभयादयः ॥
सर्व संपत्पदे यत्र । दौस्यादिवेध जज्ञिरे ॥२॥etc. Ends.- fol. 17
प्रपूर्ण वर्षलक्षायुश्विरमा विहारतः। सो(s)ध्यास्त सिद्धि सार्दै तैः सहर्शनफलान्यहोः ॥१॥