Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 221. margin ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; sometimes it is so kept that it forms a pattern; yellow pigment used while making corrections ; edges of each and every fol. more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably
good ; complete. Age.- Old. Begins.-fol. 1* 11 Qoll Fa: Tatar la
siar ara arte etc. as in No. 219. Ends.-- fol. 46 metrar etc. np to Ata greufa II as in No. 219.
This is followed by the lines as under :
इत्यऽनुकंषादाने चंपकष्ठिकथानकं ॥ श्रीजिनकीतिमूरिभिः
all ell H Hall & II N. B. — For further particulars see No. 219.
चम्पक श्रेष्ठिचतुष्पदी
Campakasresthicatüspadi ( 379 haft ans)
(Campaka sethani carapai ) No. 222 . . . . . . . 1605.
1891-93. Size-- 9} in, by 44 in. Extent. - 10 folios ; 19 lines to a page ; 55 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva
nägarj characters; small, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders not ruled ; red chalk used to bring into prominence numbering of verses and some words; foll, numbered in both the margins ; in the lefthand margin the title is written as da; condition
very good ; complete ; composed; in V. S. 1695 at Jälora. Age.- Samvat 1746. Author.- Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra. For his addi
tional works etc. see p. 256. Subject.— A life-sketch of Campaka śreșțhin in Gujarati in verse.
It points out the importance of "anukampa-dana ", a bit kind of donation.