The Svetāmbara Narratives 369 चन्द्रनरेन्द्रचरित्र
Candranarendracaritra टम्बा सहित
with tabba
1145. No. 205
1891-95. Size.- 10} in. by 4: in. Extent.- ( text ) 226 folios; 6 lines to a page; 36 to 38 letters to
- a line. , -(tabba), , 12 " ," "; 42 " "
a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white;
Jaina Devanāgari characters ; this Ms. contains the text and its interlinear stabukārtha (tabba ) as well; the former is written in big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; same is the case with the latter except that it is written in smaller hand-writing; borders and edges, too, ruled in two lines in red ink; dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins%3; fol. !" blank; condition very good; this Ms. ends abruptly;
so both the text and the tabbā are incomplete. Age.- Not modern. Author of the text.- Not known as the work ends abruptly.
, , , tabba.-" " " " " " " Subject.- A narrative of Candra, a royal sage. . Begins.- (text ) fol. 16 ॥६॥ श्रीवीतरागाय नमः॥ ॥
ॐ ध्यात्वा श्रीजिनान् नत्वा ॥ बंदित्वा श्रीगुरुक्रमाव(न)॥ श्रीचंद्रराजराजस्य ॥ चरित्रं प्रथयाभ्यहं ॥१॥ पुरा श्रीवर्द्धमानस्य ॥ शिष्यः श्रीगौतमो(s)ग्रणी ॥ एकदा विहरन नाथ ॥ वैशालि'नगरीवरां ।।२।। तत्र श्रीचेटको राज्ञा ॥ प्रमोदात् परिवारयुक् ॥
गणभ[ : ]च्चलना नंतु ॥ समागाद(द) गुरुभक्तिमारु ॥३॥ etc. , -(rabba ) fol. 1 ॥६ ॥
ध्यात्वा श्रीमन्महावीरं नत्वा श्रीगुरुपंकज श्रीचंदर्षिचरितस्य स्तहकार्थ करोम्यहं ॥ १॥