The goddess who is a primordial potentiality, who is supreme and divine, who bears the form of a hump-backed person, whose rekha (line) is described (as kundalini), who illuminates the entire space, who is worth looking at, who is written in the beginning of the alphabet of a book, who is invoked in functions, who is an embodiment of brahman, who is an accomplishment and who is well-known as "Bhale" may purify you.
It may be mentioned en passant that my wife Indira has assisted me as usual in correcting the proofs of this Part I. To her credit I may add that her noble nature and especially her full and constant 'co-operation irrespective of her health have enabled me to carry on my literary activities for the last fifty years with the result that there are 60 publications of mine, 20 unpublished works, about 2750 published articles and about 500 unpublished ones.
In the end I earnestly request the authorities of the Bhandarkar O. R. Institute to devise means to publish in the near future the remaining portion of the Jaina Catalogue (Vol. XVIII, Pts. 2-5 & Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pts. 2-3 & sec. 3) and thereby oblige the Jaina community in general and scholars interested in Indology in particular. Further, I hereby express my indebtedness to Dr. R. N. Dandekar for the latitude he has given to me as the Hon. Secretary of B. O. R. I. during the printing of this Part I and request him to continue to do so for the portion to be published hereafter.
Kayastha Street, Gopipura,
SURAT. 23-10-'66
Hiralal R. Kapadia
1 This pertains to preparation of Appendices and such other laborious work.
2 A list of articles published up to 1961 is given by me in my booklet "Hiraka sahitya vihara ".