Ends. fol. 360
The Svetambara Narratives
लि(लिं)मु (गु) अतं (उं) जइ जो कृषा ।
लहर वालू निव्बुदि नृषा ॥ ८१ (२) ॥ इत्र सव्वभासविभिमयपरिहिं परमतत्रु (तु) स बि कह (हि) वि । निअकंठमाल ठषि नृवउरसि गइ अ देषि मंगल भंणिषि ॥ ८३ ॥
इत्याचार्यश्री हेमचंद्र विरचिते प्राकृते महाकाव्ये अष्टम (:) सर्गः समाप्त श्री पृथ्वी चंद्रमरिशिष्येण हरिचंद्रेण 'प्रव्ह (ह्ला) दन' पुरे श्रीकुमारपालचरितं नाम प्राकृतद्वयाश्रयमहाकाव्यं कार्तिकसदि एकादश्यां रवौ सम पितं ॥ सं ॥ ग्रंथाग्रं श्लोकमानं ९५० ॥ २६०३
टीका सहित
यादृशं पुस्तके दृष्टं तादृशं लिषितं मया ।
यदि समसुद्धं वा मम दोषो न दीयते ॥
हस्ताक्षर अयाची मणीशंकर जेशंकर ॥ श्रीपाल शामजी ॥ संवत् १९३६ ना फागणशुदी ७ गुरुवासरे समाप्तः ॥ Reference. Published along with Pūrṇakalaśa's commentary in "The Bombay Sanskrit & Präkrit Series "in A.D. 1900. 15 Herein contents of the text are given in Sanskrit. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakośa ( Vol. I, p. 186 ).
Kumarapalacarita with tika 224. 1902-1907.
No. 134
Size. 11 in. by 4 in.
Extent. -- fol. 34o to fol. 411 ie 72 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 53 letters to a line.
1 The name of the metre of this verse is सुमनोरमा.
2 Perhaps this is an ending like Zoz but the scribe has not understood it.
Description.— Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanagari 25 characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, clear and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; this Ms. contains both the text and its commentary; the former in Prakrit and the latter in Sanskrit; this Ms. seems to be a part of the original Ms. ; for it commerces on fol. 340 30 and, moreover, the text is preceded by a few verses of the