Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 187. Ends.- (text) fol. 2596
BIYEAra wa etc. as in No. 123. 1,-(com.) fol. 2590 qraftiga etc. up to the end of the cafea as in No. 123. This is followed by the line as under :
sfat sfratto1TZIFT FAIAT. N. B.- For additional information see Nos. 123 & :28.
Kumārapālacarita (Fof 8-88]
(Cantos I-XIV) विवृति सहित
with vivrti
404. 10. No. 128
1879-80. Size.— 104 in. by 4 in. Extent.— 293+2 = 295 folios; is lines to a page ; 52 letters to
a line. Description.- Country paper tough and greyish ; Devanagari
characters with FATETIS ; small, clear and good hand-wri. ting: borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; numbers for foll. 1-88 entered twice as usual ; foll. 165-286 also numbered in the righthand margin as 1, 2 etc. ; foll. 215 and 243 repeated ; foll. 260, 261 etc. wrongly numbered as 360, 361 etc. and later on corrected; foll. 1. & 2935 blank; fol. 82° partly blank and fol. 826 entirely so ; same is the case with fol. 164; foll. 1-36 more or less worm-eaten ; some soll. seem to have stuck together; a careless attempt to separate them has resulted in damaging them e. g, foll. 28, 30, 37 & 60: this 'Ms. contains the text and its commentary as well ; incomplete: for this Ms, ends with the 36th verse of the
14th canto of the text. Age.- Not modern.
1 It is utilized for the printed edition (BSPS ) noted on p. 161,