Jaina Literature and Philosophy
māhātmya [ज्ञानपञ्चमीमाहात्म्य ]
[ Jnanapaficamimahatmya ] [ सौभाग्यपञ्चमीकथा )
[ Saubhagyapancamikatha ] 5 [वरदत्त-गुणमञ्जरी
kathānaka )
710. No, 121 [110a]
1899-1915 Size.- Hin. by 4g in.
Extent.- 5 folios ; 17 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. 10 Description.-- Country paper tough and white ; Jaina Devanāgari
characters; big, clear and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines and edges in one in red ink ; foll. num. bered as usual ; complete ; the right-hand margins are variously decorated, e. g. fol. 156 with an illustration of an
elephant; condition very good; composed in Samvat 1655. Age.- Samvat 1858. Author.- Kanakakusala Gani, pupil of Somakusala. For a list of
his works etc. see Vol. XIX, Sec. I, pt I, pp. 51-52. Subject. The importance of the fifth day of the bright half of
Kārtika month is pointed out in this work by narrating
the story of Varadatta and Guņamañjari. _Begins.- fol. 1 ॥६॥
श्रीमत्पार्श्वजिनाधीशं 'फलवधि'पुरस्थितं । प्रणम्य परपा भक्त्या सर्वाभीष्टार्थसाधकं ॥ १॥ शुक्लकार्तिकपंचम्या माहात्म्यं पर्यते तथा।
भव्यानामुपकाराय यथोक्तं पूर्वसरिभी:(मिः) ॥ २ ॥ युग्मं etc. Ends.- fol. 5.
(ए) विभाज्य भो भव्या ! पंचम्याराधनोद्यमः । भवभीतिविभेदाय कार्यों भवदी(दि)रद्धतः॥ ४९ ।। भीमत्'तप'गणगगनांगणदिनमणिविजयसेनसूरीणां । शिष्याणुना कथेयं विनिर्मिमता कनककुशलेन ॥ ५० ॥
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1 This work ought to have been assigned a place just after No. 110.