The Svetämbara Works
पालियउ राज अषंडपूहवी भोजराजा आपणउ । भाऊ पहुतइ सुदगति पुहतउं दान फलभोगविद्यणउं ॥३१॥ यतः दानेनं प्राप्यते लक्ष्मी दानेन प्राप्यते यशा। दाननं प्राप्यते सौष्यं यथा भोज नरेश्वर ॥ ३२ ॥
हरिकीयउ विक्रमचरित्र स इश्रठावीसे इसिलोक भणइ गुणइ इह रति परति तियां नरवंछितथोक समस्तश्लोक ॥ २८०० ॥
इति श्रीसिंहासणबत्तीसी संपूर्णः । संवत् १८९९ जेठवूदि १२ लिषत
Siddhacakramāhātmya [श्रीपालकथा]
[ Śripālakathā]
465 No. 823
1882-83 Size - 10 in. by 41 in. Extent -12 folios; 15 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina
Devanagari characters with frequent पृष्ठमात्राs%3; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; edges of each and every fol. more or less gone; foll. are slightly worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; abridged edition of Ratna.
Sekhara's work. Age - Not quite modern. Subject - Story of Sripāla narrated for depicting the prowess of the
Siddhacakra in Prakrit verse. Begins -fol. 14॥ ॐ
भरिहाई नवपयाइ झाइत्ता हिययकमलमज्झमि । सिरिसिद्धचक्कमाहप्यमुत्तमं किंपि जेपेमि ॥ १ इह जंबू'हीवे दाहिण' भरह 'हमामखंडे बहुमणकणसमिद्धो 'मगहा' देसो भत्थि ।
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