II. 11 Angas
Extent.—84 + 1 = 85 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 49 to 59 letters to a line.
Description.--Country paper thin and white; Devanāgarī characters; clear and fairly good hand - writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink : red chalk and yellow pigment used; it is a त्रिपाटी Ms. containing both the text and its explanation in Gujaratī ; fol. ra blank ; some of the foll. illegible owing to the ink having faded; the last four foll. have their edges damaged; the 83rd fol. slightly torn; the 84th very badly damaged ; so an additional fol. numbered as 84 written in a different hand on a paper of different quality supplied; condition on the whole fair; complete so far as the first part is concerned.
Age.—Pretty old. Author of the text. - Sudharmasvamin.
vārtika.-- Not mentioned..
59 "
Subject. The text together with its explanation in Gujarati so far as the first part is concerned.
Begins.—(text ) fol. 1 बुज्झिज्ज (त्ति) तिउट्टिज्जा । बंधणं परियाणिया ।
- (vartika)
किमाहु (ह) बंधणं वीरे (रो)। किं वा जाणं तिउट्टई ॥ १ ॥ etc. श्रीसर्वज्ञाय नमः ॥
" "
श्रीवर्धमानमानम्य । गुरूणां च विशेषतः ।
किंचित् सूत्रकृतांगस्य वार्त्तिकं लिष्य ( ख्य) ते मया ॥ १ ॥
Jain Education International
आगम द्वादशांगीरूप तेहने विषइ चार अनुयोग कह्या || ते एह ॥ चरणानुयोग ९ द्रव्यानुयोग २ धर्मकथानुयोग ३ गणितानुयोग ४ चिहुं प्रकारे etc.
Ends.~~ ( text) fol. 840 समियं व (च) रे दंते दविए बोसटुकाए निग्रं (ग्गं) थे ति (त्ति) बच्चे ४ से ए ( वमेव जाणह ज ) महं भयंतारो ति बेमि षोडश(सोलस) मं गाहाना (मध्य (ज्झ ) यनं सम्मतं १६ इति श्रीसूयगडांगल्य प्रथम श्रुतस्कंध संपूर्णः ॥
vārtika) fol. 84b तेहनां कह्यां वचन हउ कहउ छउत्ति बो समत्तं । गच्छ.. श्री ६ श्री आचार्यश्री ६.
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