XIII. Supernumerary Prakirnakas
पिंडनियुक्तितो भव्यानां पिंडदोषज्ञानकते। सूत्रन्यस्तबुद्धिना जिनवल्लभसूरिणा तत्सर्व बहुश्रुतमत्सरं परित्यज्य तानेव भव्यान् बोधयंतु । उत्सूत्रार्थमपनयं चेनिवृत्यर्थः ॥ १०३ ।
समाप्तेयं श्रीचंद्रसूरिविरचिता सूक्ष्मपदार्थनिष्कनिष्कएणपट्टकसन्निभप्रतिभजिनवल्लभाभिधानाचार्यदृब्धपिंडाविशुद्धिशास्त्रस्य वृत्तिः॥॥छ ।
अस्याश्चतुःसहस्राणि शतानां च चतुष्टयं ।
प्रत्यक्षरप्रमाणेन श्लोकमानं विनिश्वितं ॥१॥ ग्रंथाj ४४००॥॥छ । छ ॥ etc. N. B.- For other details see No. 408.
Piņdavisuddhi सुबोधासहित
with Subodhā No. 415
1887-91. Size.- Iod in. by 4} in. Extent.--- 52 folios; 17 lines to a page ; so to 56 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper rough and greyish; Devanāgarī charac
ters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; yellow pigment profuseiy; foll. numbered in the right hand margin ; almost every fol. more or less worm-eaten ; condition on the whole very fair; both the text and the commentary complete; extent 2800 ślokas; the commentary composed in Samyat 1176 by Yaśodeva Sūri with the help of his pupil Pärsvadeva and revised by
Municandra Súri. Age.-- Old. Author of the commentary.- Yasodeva Suri, pupil of Sricandra,
pupil of Vira Gani. Subject.- The text together with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins. - ( text ) fol. I देविंदविंदवंदिय etc. , -( com.) ,, ,, ए नमो जिनाय ॥
यदुदितलवयोगादेहिनः स्युः कृतार्था
स्तमिह शुभनिधानं वर्द्धमानं प्रणम्य ।
See No. 416.
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