(77) Karan a Labdhi of fusifotd - Opera- “Karma". Karma is something quite tor attainment.
real, but unintelligent, it is a subtle matter Karaṇa satva-RU Hry - Operation
that is attracted and assimilated by rea
son of certain foreign elements in the state.
person, such as delusion, lust, anger, Karan antara - OUIT - Operation
pride, deceitfulness and greed which interval
themselves are other karmas in another Karma-06-Substantive force, Matter
aspect. Jainism - not atheism P. 15 in the subtle form, Action, Object, Ef
Karma Vargana. कर्म वर्गणा - The fect, Activity, Fine particles of matter
world space is throughout filled with binding the soul, Functional.
material bodies. Some of these are Karma (06) - The karmic body which minute and some of these are percepis the root cause of all other bodies is tible to the senses. Of these minute called karma.
forms some have the peculiarly necesKarma (20+) - It is a substantive sary constitution which would make force, matter in very subtle form. These
them fit to be karmas. These are called matter - particles called Pudgalas fill all karma - Vargaņās. Karma-Varga nās cosmic space. The soul by its commu- are physical molecules of a particular nication with the outer world, becomes
constitution which gives them the tenliterally penetrated by these matter par- dency to be attracted byJi vas. They are ticles. These in turn become karma and otherwise known as Karma-Prāyogya build upa special body called kāmāņa Pudgala. šarira, which does not leave the soul Karmabandha -otsopet - When soul, till its final liberation. Karina works in out of desire, aversion and corruption of such a way that every action leaves a knowledge and will,experiences affecmark of its own which is retained and tive states pleasant and unpleasant, then built in into the organisms to serve as because of the very same states the self the basis of future action.
gets bound by karmic matter of various (Jaina stories vol. II. P. 178) kimds. Karma . of - According to Jaina 311 779T IT TT - Combination theory the cause of punishment and
of karmic matter with Jiva is due to reward is what is calld Karma'. It has yoga. Yogais the action of mind, speech the capacity at its proper time of pro- and body. The opportunity for combiducing an effect upon the person who
nation is Created by Bhāvas or the has generated it, and all such things as affective states and such affective states accidents so called, disease, the actions are due to desire, aversion and perverse of Judges etc, are only the instruments
cognition. by which the effect is brought about so autuksia - The eight karmas that there is no possible need of any
are traced to the four causal conditions action by deity, the reward or punish
Mithyårva, Avirati, Kaşāya and Yoga.. ment following simply an effect from
But these conditions themselves are the cause, the cause being as alreadymentioned, what is called
result of desire etc, or Bbāva Pratyayas.