(iv)मलौषधि ऋद्धि-Malausadhi rddhi, where the exudations from the mouth, the ears and the nose, have curative properties. (v) विडौषधिऋद्धि - The vidausadhi rddhi, where the excrement if touched will cure disease. S.D. 147 (vi) Hatufance - TheSarvoșadhi rddhi, where thewind even that has touched the body of the saint become endowed with the curative virtue. (vii) आशीविष ऋद्धि - The Asivisa rddhi - the power to remain unaffected by poisons, and (vill) दृष्टिविष ऋद्धि - The Drstivisa rddhi, where a mere glance suffices to destroy the effectivity of a poison. 7. THAI - Rasa rddhi, which is the acquisition of the miraculous power of saving and destroying life by a mere word or look or wish and includes the power to multiply articles of foods so as to be able to gratify large assem- blages of men. This rddhi comprises the following types- S.D. 147 (1) 311 fan malas - Āsyavisa rddhi, destroying with a word, (ii)sfera mera- The drişživisa rddhi, destroying with a mere look. (iii) क्षीरस्त्रावी ऋद्धि- Theksirasravi rddhi trasforms ordinary foods into strengthening ones, as if they contained milk, and also has the power to impart to mere words the strengthening virtues of milk, so that even emaciated persons are nourished thereby; (iv) Hytarit trasa - The Madhusrāvi rddhi acts like honey; it imparts tooth someness to tasteless food, as if it bas been honeyed, and to words the power to sweeten life,
S.D. 148
(v) सर्पिरास्त्रावी ऋद्धि - Sarpirāsravi rddhi is the same kind of power as the above with reference to the production of the nourishing and strengthening effect of ghee (purified butter), and (vi)अमृतास्त्रावी ऋद्धि-Theamrtasravi rddhi, that has the effect of amrta (ambrosia) in the above circumstances. 8.95 Pose - The power to feed a large body of men leaving (of food) as well as the power to seat large numbers in small areas. This is of two kinds, namely (1) 37311u148144 #face - Akşiņamahānasarddhi - which means that strange power of the ascetics presence by virtue of which a whole army of a great emperor may be fed out of the small pots from which he has been fed, and (ii) 378UTAETTU #fase - The aksinamahālaya rddhi, which is the miraculous effect of great asceticism whereby all kinds of living beings may get into the ascetics presence without overcrowding. Rjugati - Feella - Rectilinear motion. Rjukūlā - te - Mahāvira attained omniscience on the bank of Rjukūlā in the vicinity of Jrmbhika grāma. According to the ācārā nga kalpasūtra the name of village is Jambhiya and that of the river Rjukūlā. Rjumati manahparyaya- ऋजुमति मनः refa - Simple sensory telepathy. Rjusūtra-Hue-Straightexpressed, The straight view point, Status qua support.
Hveit - Straight. Rņa - #20 - Negative.