during the first century after the nirvāṇa of Mahāv ira; But they also maintain that the tenets of Jainism were made popular by lord Mahāv ira the popular exposition of the tenets of Jainism. This is the reason why we most frequently find Mahāvira worshipped by the Jaina writers in the opening verses of their works as the great propounder of the truths of their religion. Angabā hya - 375GEN - Outside the original canon. Angapravista - अङ्गप्रविष्ट - Included in the original scripture. Angopā nga -3491416 - The chief of the secondary parts, limbs and minor limbs. Anka vidyā - stefaen - Science of numbers.
> (R)
and memory, including the obtainment of control over certain real live 'forces' (or spirits) of a subtle embodied nature, termed vidyas (bearing female names) that are endowed with superormal powers and possessed of various kinds of abilities, e.g., the power to erect a city, the power to bring about changes of form and the like. The faculty of divination is included in this Riddhi, and is itselfeightfold in nature, namely(1) Divination, by means of the positions, movements etc., of the sun, the moon, stars, planets and constellations; (2) Foretelling, by means of the conditions of the earth, the future destiny of kings and the divining of the existence of mineralsand of hidden treasure troves and the like; (3) Ascertaining the past, the present and the future conditions of a living being by examining his bodily limbs; (4) Prognostication by means ofsounds; (5) Predicting the conditions of existence from the position of moles, warts etc; (6) Divination by means of special bodily markings (palmistry and the like); (7) Finding out the nature of one's past, present and future experiences by means of holes and marks in one's clothes, weapons and the like; and (8) divination by means of dreams, when these are not caused by the influence of bodily humours. S.D. 143-144 2. Ionut - Kriyārddhi, that is, the power to move in the air, or on water and the like, which embraces several other similar types. S.D. 144 3. Paranset alas – Vikriyā Riddhi is generally the power of transformation of the body and of the bodily limbs, and may be of the following kinds -
Rddhi - Daf - Affluence, Heavenly acquisition, supernatural powers, Supernatural accomplishment, Prodigy. There are eight principal kinds of mi- raculous powers termed Rddhis, any of wbich may be developed under the influence of tapascaraña (asceticism) by the saint. Many occult powers are comprised under each of these eight principalones, which will be described now,
S.D. - 114 1. Buddhirddhi - Comprising the supernormal faculties and functions re- specting knowledge, e.g.Omniscience, telepathy, clairvoyance, transcenden- tal functioning of the senses and the intellect, such as perception through the various parts of the skin, extraordi- nary power of intellectual penetration