(70) (4) bones
(3) He should love to give charity, (5) whole grains
(4) He should possess true discrimina(6) The inner pulp of a whole grain tion regarding what is pure and what is (7) Pus
impure as an article of food for saints. (8) Skin
(5) He should expect no return or re(9) Blood
ward from charity, (10) Flesh
(6) He should be forgiving and (11) Seeds.
(7) He should be enthusiatic (that is to (12) Fruits, whether big or small, i.e., say, endowed with energy), not lazy. anything belonging to the gemes fruit. Evambhūta - Vana-Specific, such (13) Bulbs and
like intrinsically genuine. (14) Roots.
Evambhuta naya - एवम्भूत नय - The With respect to these the rule is that blood, flesh, bone, skin and pus are to
actual stand point, Actual purport. be regarded as the most unclean, so that the saint should immediately stop eating on the discovery of any of them in the food and should also impose some sort of penance on himself by way of Aindriyika - tis furaha - Sensitive. Prāyaśchita. A piece of nail also if Airā vatvarsa-tranaf-Airavat varsa found in the food will involve the giv
is surrounded by Sikhari on the south ing up of food and the imposition of
and the oceans on the other three sides. slight penance. The discovery of an
This is divided into six regions by insect or an hair will also necessitate
Vijayardha and the Raklodā. S-3/10 the giving up of food; but no penance will be necessary in their case. Un
Aisana - TI - Ishana is the natural cooked grains, seeds, bulbs, roots and name of the lord. That which is the pulps are to be removed with care, habitation of īshāna is Aišāna. The which being done the process of eating suffix 'ai' in the sense of bis habitation may be continued. But if this can not is used here. By association with it the be effected, then the saint must desist lord also iscalled Aiśāna. S-4/19 from eating.
Aišvarya-dware - Supemormal powदाता के सात गुण - The householder offering food to a saint should be en
Aitihya - tfalen - Tradition. dowed with the following seven kinds of virtues :-
S.D. 114-115 (1) He should have faith in the merit of charisy. (2) He should be devoted to the excellent attributes of right faith, right knowl- Symbolfor setofclairvoyance. Someedge and right conduct with which the times symbol for downtraction divisor. saints are endowed.
Oja - 05 - Splendour.