Ekanta bhavatmaka-एकान्तभावात्मक __Ekendriya jiva - एकेन्द्रिय जीव - One - Merely existent.
sensed organisms. Ekanta vrddhi - एकान्तवृद्धि - One Esana samiti - एषणा समिति - Carefulended development.
ness in eating, Discipline in begging. Ekanta vrddhavrddhi - एकान्त
The saint observes the rules of Eşaņā qualefesa- One sided increase, Non in
samiti when taking his food. The obser
vance of the highest degree of purity, in crease.
the taking of food is Esanā samiti. The Ekartha samavaya - एकार्थ समवाय -
food should be free from four kinds of One inherence in the same substratum.
afflcitions to trasa life (living beings Ekārtha samavāyi - pohlef 49 - possessing two or more senses), viz :Co-inherent in the same substratum.: (1) 345Cut - upadravaņa (pain or Eka'sanika - Pahreiften - One who trouble). takes his food only once a day. (ii) fasaut - Vidravaņa(cutting, piercEkendriya · Pohfire - One sensed. ing etc.) Ekendriya (Peta fesy) - One sense - Up (iii) ufalen - Pariāpana (distress, or to the end of plants there is only one mental suffering), and sense.
(iv) 3779 - Ārambha (destruction or The one sense of touch arises on the killing). destruction-cum-subsidenceofenergy
The saint avoids food contaminated by obstructive and touch obscuring
any of the following forty six faults :karmas, on the rise of karmas which
(1)Jite - Uddișta-Implying prepatotally obscure the other senses, on the
· ration of food specially for the saint; attainment of Physique making Karma
(2) stafa - Adhyadhi, that is the and on the rise of name Karma of the class of one sensed beings. S-2/22 preparation of extra or additional food One to five sensed living beings
on seeing the saint; एकेन्द्रिय से लेकर पञ्चेन्द्रिय तक के जीव -
- Puti dosa - The mixing Those living beings which possess the up of the aprāsuka, e.g., fresh vegcharacteristic cognisability of touch,
etable, unsterilized water and the like taste, smell, colour and hearing are one, with Prāsuka (sterlized) food; two, three, four and five sensed with (4) f797 ata - Mišra dosa - e.g., their different varieties. One sensed feeding the laity or pseudo saints with soul has the one sense of touch only,
the saints. while the rest of the souls have a gradually increasing number of the sense
(5) Pefon ala - Sthapita dosa, first organs of tongue, nose, eye and ear.
removing the cooked food elsewhere
G.J. 174 and then offering it to the saint. Esan iya - pouta - Acceptable.
(6) afastar - Bali dosa -Offering the Ekāvali - 2019sit - An austerity con
remnant of offerings: sisting of a number of fasts in ascend
(7) mga gira - Prabhrta dosa - The ing and descending order.
giving of food at an improper time, that