Uttara guņa nivartană . 3trujuftaran Substratum of the secondary attributes. Uttara hetu - JTR TO - Secondary/ variable hypothesis. Uttara jiva - GTR 19 - North chord. Uttarakalina - उत्तर कालीन - Subsequent. Uttara ksana - 3TRETU - The subsequent movement. Uttarādhikari . goriferi - De
Utp i dana - R15 - Persecution. Utsaraņa - BAYEU - Progression. Utsarga sūtra - - The sū tras concerning the general rules of conduct. Utsargasamiti (3 pfafafa) Carefulness in depositing waste products. Utsarpin i . graffunt - Ascending cycle of time, Ascending period, The aeon of increase. Utsarpin i kala - griffon 02167 - Ascending cycele of time - That which has the characteristic of development of knowledge etc. is the ascendingcycle of time. The ascending cycle also is of six divisions, commencing from atiduşhşamā and ending with Suşamāsusamā. Utsaha - 3MME - Earnestness. Utsedha - graet - Height. Utsedhaigula उत्सेधाङ्गल- Ordinary finger, A measure equal to eight barley grains height finger. Uttama - 394 - Superior. Uttama ksama -JTH THT - Supreme forbearance. Uttama sthāna - 374 5419 - Salvation. Uttamartha - 371478f - Salvation. Uttambhaka-37114 - Exciting condition. Utthana TRATA - Distraction. Uttara • JTR - Rejoinder. Uttaracara - JROR - Successor, posterior. Uttara dhana - 3FR 89 - Common
Uttara prakrti - GTR sefa - A subdivision of karma, secondary configuration. Uttara pratyaya - 3TR 4 - Subsidiary conditions. Uttarardha - 3 PRETO - Last quarter, suffix. Uttari ya - Berita - Scarf. Utira - JTİR - Principal beam. Uttu nga . JG4 - Lofty tapering.
3 (U)
U ha - 378 - Elimination, Reasoning, Inductive reasoning. ūbā. 1961 - Reflective speculation. Urdhva . Free - Upper, Vertical. Ürdhva krama - Feat. - Vertical order. Ürdhva loka - Freitas - Upper universe. Urdhva gaccha - Fredag - Vertical veriforms (In Geometric regression) Urdhvagamana - ऊर्ध्वगमन - Upward Inovement
Uttara guņa - JER TU – A secondary duty.