A tapa nama karma - 311614 714264- Atma Jñani -31% art - SelfenlightThat which causes the body of a being ened. to emit warm light like sunshine, is the
A tmal į natā . RASTA - Self name karma of hot light. It is found in
absorbedness. the sun.
A tmā . 341541 - A soul. A tāpana - 37061149 - Practising auster
Ātmängula - 3IHIEU-Self finger. ity by enduring heat etc. Atinitya Paryāyārthika naya -
Ātma pradesā parispandana -
आत्मप्रदेश परिस्पन्दन - Vibration of the अतिनित्य पर्यायार्थिक नय - Initial eternal
spatial units of soul. event purport.
A tmia prašansa - 3164 YİFT - PraisA tmabhāva - 31419 - Dispositions
ing oneself. of the self. Ātmabhūta-317974 - Integral, Iden
A tmaraksa-(3A24) - Atmarak şas tical.
are like body guards. Atmabhuta Laksana . आत्मभूत
Atma samuttha - आत्मसमुत्थ - Borm
from the self. 778101- Inseparable differentia.
Ātmasat - 31164H - Assimilate. Ātmahita - 34164fen - Welfare of the
Atmasukha -34164 - Spiritual hapself.
piness. Ātmajñāna - 31445119 - Self con- Ātmavadha - 31487 - Suicide - He sciousness.
who, actuated by passions, puts an end 316451 - (Atmaj ñana )- self con- to his life by stopping breath, or by sciousness - The comprehension of the water, fire, poison or weapons is cerself takes place when consciousness is tainly guilty of suicide. Pu. 178 directed towards the self.
A tmavada · 31164C - Substance If cognition is unconscious, how can it view or identity view. effect the consciousness about its ob- Ātmavadi . chat - Believer in ject.
Sloka - 1/9/38
soul. Who does not think the comprehen
A tma ngula - HCHEYT - A measure sion, which makes us conscious about
consisting of 108th part of the fullheight its objects as conscious like a lamp.
of a man. . Pariksa - 1/11/12
Kinds of soul - आत्मा के भेद - Just as a lamp enlightens objects and itself simultaneously so also the soul & FAT – The outer self. comprehends the objects and itself at :3 PIRAT - The inner self. the same time. Parīksa - 1/11 WHICAT – The transcendental self. From the view point of comprehension बहिरात्मा - This kind of self on account there is no distinction between the na- of ignorance identifies himself with the ture of an entity and the entity itself.
body and other external objects; cerFrom the view point of enlightening the
tainly an attitude which ought to be self and other objects there is a distinc
Nyāya - P.189