(34) many pradesas, like bodies, therefore From the view point of its own identity (they are called) Kāyas. Hence these every entity exists and from the view are called Astikayas Dr. 24
point of others identity it does not exist.
If it is not so everything will be found Astikaya • अस्तिकाय - The term
to exist simultaneously or it will lose Astikāya isacompound name made up
even its own identity. of Asti and Kāya, which respectively
Praman am imamsa P. 12. mean existing and extensive magni
Astitva Kala - अस्तित्व काल - Time of tude. Astikāya therefore means a real thing that has extensive magnitude. The
Astitva kşetra - 3tfitira - Extent Astikāyās are five in number, Ji va
of existence. (soul), Pudgala (matter) dharma (Principle of motion), Adharma (Principle
Asubha - 34714 - Inauspicious, Disof rest) and ākāśa (space).
agreeable, bad, Unpleasant, UnwholeAsthira- 3afcere - Infirmness of limbs.
some, Ugliness, Vices. Asthira na makarma • अस्थिर नामकर्म
Asubhakāya yoga - 377/44 piti -
Wicked activities of the body. - Unstable genetic code potential.
Aśubhamanoyoga - 34144 then - Asthira nā makarma - 3feer 71406
Wicked thought activities. The opposite of the name karma of
Asubhana ma Karma - 3771 07ffirmness is the name-karma of weakness.
The opposite of name karma of loveliAstitva - 35ftra - Being, Existence,
ness is inauspicious naine karma.
S-8/11 Position. अस्तित्व तथा नास्तित्व - (Position and
Asubha prakrti - 37794@fa - Inausnegation) - Astitva (position) is con
picious type of karnic matter. comitant with na stitva (negation) in
Aśubha vacana yoga - 344999 the same substrate. Nāstitva (nega
Wicked speech activities. tion) is concomitant with astitva (posi
Ašubha vihāyogati - 37alesfaeritifertion) in the same substrate. Jaina - P. Ungracious flight life course.
Aśubhopayoga-37144447 - InausAbsolute unqualified affirmation of picious manifestation of consciousness, existence is not in conformity with the Unwholesome. nature of reality, Absolute negation of
Ašuci - Stylfa - Impurity, Unclean. existence is self contradictory. Fidelity toexperience and thought demands that
अशुद्ध, असत्यार्थ, अभूतार्थ या पर्यायार्थिक existence and non existence both are to 7-Contemplates the same objects in be accepted as equally valid traits in the their varying conditions under outside make up of a real.. Jaina - P. 88. influences. Who does not desire all to be existent with respect to its own identity and non
Asuddbi - 3yfas - Non-purification. existent with respect to the identity of Asura - 37T* - Asura is special name the others. Apta - verse 15. acquired by special name karma. The