(23) Aparigrhītā - 374 fujeta is a harlot Apalā pa - 3796119 - Repudiation. without a husband.
Apana - 37474 - Breath of inhalation. Aparihara - 344FER - Non rejecting. Aparthaka - 37978107 - Want of syntacAparihārika - 394felfos - Atainted tical construction, Incoherent. ascetic.
Aparthika - 3741f8f - Purposeless. Aparinatadosa- अपरिणत दोष - Tak- Apauruşeya - stutta - Impersonal. ing water or liquid foods that have not Apavana - 379197 - Vitiated. been purified by sterilisers, such as
Apāya - 37474 - Misfortune, Calamity. powdered cloves to render them unsuitable for the breeding of living germs.
Apaya ( 37474) Calamity - Calamity is Aparin amin - 374fufte - Immu
the tendency to destroy activities which table.
lead to prosperity and biss. One must
contemplate that violence etc. lead to Aparyapta - अपर्याप्त - Incompletely
calamity and shame in this life and in developed, Non developable, Non-de
the life to come. veloped, Incomplete development of
अपेक्षैकान्त तथा अनपेक्षैकान्त का निराorgans and faculties, incompletion. Aparyapti namakarma - अपर्याप्ति
करण-Therefutation of apeksaikanta 71497- Non-developability genetic
and anapek saikā nta - If things have
nothing by their own right, no relations code.
can contribute anything to them, or the Aparyaptinama Karma-अपर्याप्ति नाम
relation must be held to be creating op - That which prevents the full
something real out of void. If we hold development of these six kinds of that things are established absolutely completion, is the name-karma of independently of all relations then we incompletion.
S-8/11 fail to understand how and why they Apavada sūtra - 37491GE - The · should at all enter into a relationship sūtas concerning the exceptions of the
with each other and in this way the general rules of conduct.
possibility of the universal and hence Apavarga - 37900f - Salvation.
also of the particular is destroyed.
Apta - verse 73. Apavaraganirupana-अपवर्गनिरूपणNature of emancipation.
Apkāya-3740519 - Water bodied, water Apavartana - 37490 - Cancellation.
Apkāyika - 374051fa - Water bodied. Apavartya - 37497 - Shortening by
Apoha - 3747€ - Assimilation, Negathe presence of external objects such as passion, weapons etc.
tion of opposite A pavartyāyusa - 379984feu - Those
अपोहवाद - Apohavada is the name whose lives are cut short.
given to this theory according to which Apādāna kāraka - 374164 Art -
an object is conceived to be the negation
of its opposite. Digna ga is the earliest Ablative case.
exponent of this theory. He expounded Apasarana - 3747201 - Regression.
it in his Pramāna Samuccaya in the