If knowledge is admitted as having two capacities to apprehend self and not self then conation is reduced to a superfluous entity. Virasena tries to solve the problem by stating that knowledge prehends things other than the self, conation prehends things identical with the self and therefore the two can not be the same. Ibid P. 383. ज्ञान का प्रामाण्य - The validity of knowledge consists in its agreement with the knowable (i.e., the object which is to be determined. P. 1/18. Jn ānarūpatà - ज्ञानरूपता - States of cognition.
Jnanamargan ā-- Knowledge soul quest.
Jnanapakṣa -- Perceptiveness, Knowing faculty.
Jnana pramana - ज्ञान प्रमाण - Coextensive with knowledge.
. Jn āna yoga - ज्ञान योग - A branch of yoga.
Jnana samaya system of knowledge.
Jnana swarūpa - ज्ञान स्वरूप - Embodiment of knowledge or of the form of knowledge.
Jn ana vinaya - ज्ञान विनय - Reverence to knowledge - Acquiring knowledge, practising knowledge, recollecting knowledge and so on with great veneration and with the object of attaining salvation constitute reverence to knowledge. S-9/23.
ज्ञान समय
Jnani--Enlightened, A person possessed of right knowledge. Jnanadvaita - ज्ञानाद्वैत
Jn ānārakta ज्ञानारक्त - Absolute in study.
Jnānāvarniya karma - ज्ञानावरणीय -Knowledge obscuring karmas. Japaka-Suggestive. Jn āpaka kārana ज्ञापक कारण Revealing cause.
Jn āpya jinā paka bhava - ज्ञाप्य ज्ञापक - The real causation and logical suggestion.
Jn ata 'si lacāra - ज्ञात शीलाचार - Well versed in the vows.
Jatṛputra -- Mahāv ira is called Jiatr Kulotpanna, Jñâtṛputra
Jayaka - Knower. Jnayaka bhava - ज्ञायक भाव - The all knowing principle.
Jnāyaka sarira - ज्ञायक शरीर - The knowers body.
Jnāyaka sarira ज्ञायक शरीर - The body of the knower. The body of the knower is that, which accompanies the knower through the past, the present and thr future. S-1/5.
Perceptibles, object,
Knowable that which is not
known by the perfect one is not knowable and hence is not existent.
Aptaparikṣa verse 95. Jneyapramana - ज्ञेय प्रमाण - co-extensive with the objects of knowledge.
LIST OF HELPING BOOKS 1. Reality (English translation of Sarvārthasiddhi)
Translated by S.A. Jain.
2. Puruşarthasiddhyupaya (English translation).