mode which is straight, i.e., existent for the present. For instance, now, there is pleasure. P. 7/28-29. ऋजुसूत्रनयाभास - Rjusūtra nayābhāsa The fallacy with regard to that (i.e., the Rjusu tra naya consists in denying the substance in toto. As for instance the philosophy of Tathāgata.
P. 7/30-31. शब्द नय – Sabda naya - The verbal or
the sabda naya attributes different meanings to a word in accordance with the difference in tense etc. for example :the Sumeru mountain etc., was, is and will exist in future. P. 7/32-33.
शब्दनयाभास – Sabdanayābhāsa - The fallacy in regard to it (i.e., the Sabda naya) consists in maintaining a real difference in objects in accordance with the difference in tenses etc., For instance, in the expression, Sumeru was, is, will be, the words used in different tenses refer to essentially different objects, because they are words used in different tenses; like other words which refer to really different objects: well this way of thinking and similar ways of thinking (involve the fallacy of the sabda naya). P. 7/34-35. समभिरूढ़ नय Samabhriru dha naya -The subtle or the Sambhiru dha naya consists in attributing different meanings to synonyms according to their derivations. For instance Indra is one who rains; Śakra is one who is potent. Purandara is one who penetrates into (enemy) city and so on. P. 7/36-37. समभिरूढनयाभास Sambhiru dha nay abbas - The fallacy in regard to it (i.e. Sambhiru dha naya) consists in
maintaining the difference in objects in accordance with the difference in synonyms. As for instance (to maintain that) the words Indra, Sakra and Purandara etc., signify really different objects; as they are different words, like the words elephant, deer, horse etc. एवम्भूतनय Evambhuta naya - The such like naya maintains that words signify those objects which have the activities denoted by them. As for instance; Indra is so called because he rains; Sakra is so called because he exercises power; Purandara is so called because he penetrates into the (enemy) city. P. 7/40-41. एवम्भूतनयाभास Evambhūtanay ābhāsa - The fallacy in regard to it (i.e. the evambhūta naya) consists in refusing to give the object its usual name when it is not functioning. For instance: To hold that the thing called the 'pitcher' should not be so called when it is not doing the particular function (indicated by the word, pitcher); because it is then devoid of the function indicated by the word, pitcher; like a cloth and so on.
P. 7/42-43.
परार्थानुमान के दस अवयव - Ten parts of
the inference for the sake of others - The best form of an inference for the sake of others consists in the statement of the following ten parts or members (dasa avayava) 1. Proposition (Pratijñā) 2. Correction of the proposition (Pratijā
suddhi) 3. Reason or middle term (Hetu) 4. Correction of the reason or middle term (Hetu suddhi) 5. Example (dṛṣṭanta)6. Correction of the example (dṛṣṭanta suddhi). 7. Application