Stya nagrddhi - Frans-Somnam- bulism, Committing cruel deeds in sleep. Subhaga - 99 - Charm, Amiable personality. Subhaganamakarma-सुभग नामकर्मName karma of amiability. Subhaganamakarma-सुभग नामकर्मThat, on the rise of which others are delighted with one, is the name-karma of amiability.
S-8/11 HIEMGO - (Suhildeva) - Masūd the commander in chief of Sultan Mahmūda Ghaznavi attacked India in 1033 A.D. The Hindu kings unitedly opposed the invader with all their might. A severe battle raged on the banks of the river Kutil. The situation having become acute for the invaders, they sandwiched rows of cows between their own lines and that of the defenders. This had the desired effect, for the Hindus were very much non-plussed, besieged andat last defeated. The Jaina king Suhildeva of Srāvasti (Gondā) could not bear the ignominy of his country lying prostrate at the feet of aliens. He went to the temple, bowed before the image of lord Sambhava Nātha, the third Jaina Tirthan kara and vowed that he would drive away the tyrants. All the soldiers repeated the vow, Raising cries of 'victory tó Lord Mahāvira,' the soldiers threw dartson the cows, which dispersed in no time. The battle raged on for days and at last the Muslim forces got depleted Their commander Masūd was also killed in this battle and the vow of the Jaina vira Suhildeva was fulfilled.
Mulla Mohammad Ghaznavi, the writer of Tawarikha-i-masmudi accompanied Masūd in this campaign. On the basis of this book Abdul Rahmān Cisti wrote another book Murtati-Masūdi in the time of Emperor Jahāngira. Cisti wintes“Masūd's forces had reached Bahāraica on Shavan 27th Hijri 423 (1033 A.D.), and the Hindus were routed in the encounter. At this Suhildeva took charge of the situation and in the end inflicted a crushing defeat on the Muslims, who fledaway. Suhildeva pursued them hotly and beseiged them at Bahāraica. Ultimately Masūd and his soldiers were all put to sword on Rajabul Murjaki 18th Hijri 424 (1034 A.D.). A-91-92 Sudan
Plump. Sudrdha - 56 - Stiff. Suhrdanurāga - HEGEM - Attachment to friends. Sukha - C - Pleasure, Bliss, Delight. Sukhānubandha . harga- Recollection of pleasures, Attachment to pleasures, Recollecting again and again the various pleasures enjoyed in former times. Sugandha - "PT - Pleasant smell. Sugathita - सुगठित - Taut. Sugathita dhada - Ilfo TG - Stiffer torso. Sughatatā - Leen - Plasticity. Sughosa - Malta - Violin. Sughoșa and Mahāghosa - (Halia 7271 HEITTO) - These are two lords of Stanitkumāras.
S-416 Sukuma rata - 444661 - Languor. Sulabhya - 1972 - Accessible. Sulī na - geta - Merged.